Burrowing Owl


Burrowing Owl by Robert Bateman


Burrowing Owl – 9-1/2 x 14-3/8; Offset Paper; Edition Size 950; $75.00 U.S.

“The burrowing owl is in a class by itself among the North American owls. It is diurnal,
sometimes colonial, and it nests underground. These owls always live in open country
and will use the abandoned burrows of prairie dogs, fox, skunk or badger. When these
are not available, if the soil is soft enough, the owls will dig their own burrow. They have
very long legs, perhaps an adaptation for hunting in the tall grass and among other
prairie plants.

I have seen a number of them standing at the mouth of the burrow, bobbing and
nodding. About 100 years ago, S.N. Rhoads visited a colony in Florida. It was three
miles long and contained several hundred pairs. In the late 20th century, housing
developments are being built on top of the colonies. If the humans are sensitive,
the owls can survive, but dogs and cats make this co-existence impossible.

Throughout most of it’s range , agricultural chemicals and monocultures have
doomed the owls. Since they do much of their hunting by flying at low levels,
the increasing number of automobiles have taken an enormous toll, especially
on juveniles. Sadly, this wonderful owl is declining almost everywhere to the
point of extinction.”
Robert Bateman


Robert Bateman has been called the most famous living artist. He continues to paint and tour the world to promote conservation and preservation of nature. We have represented Robert Bateman for decades and are now the sole publisher and distributor of his reproductions. We are so honored to work with him and witness his success. He has made such a massive contribution to the art world and the natural world as an artist and educator of the earth’s most important resources.

Nature as a subject is becoming more and more popular as our environment is in peril. What better subject is there than the beautiful creatures we share this world with? Robert Bateman’s appreciation and understanding of nature are apparent in his paintings. He is able to paint flora and fauna the way your eye would perceive it in real life. It is important that the animal takes full attention. The background becomes muted, and therefore it doesn’t take too much focus away from the subject. His paintings seem effortless and masterful all at once.

Bateman’s eye for composition is unparalleled. Each painting is a composed like a symphony, leading the eye to wander. From the backyards of North America to the sprawling plains of Africa. Robert Bateman captures nature the way it should be enjoyed. Above all he is a champion of wildlife. For this reason he has become a household name for art collectors.